librg goal has been achieved

Hello everyone!
Do you sometimes sit down and think about how things started, what the goals were when you went on a journey to code what you like and you experienced a new lands of knowledge? Well, we did. We went on a journey during which we have learnt to code better, to understand this field a lot more, but more importantly, to get to know each other even better. We often ended up using VoIP and remote screen software, so we could discuss what to work on and how to approach it. It's what I think made the goals fulfilled. Not the fact we finally made a piece of software that works as originally intended, but the fact we worked on something as a team, improving ourselves.
Librg enters a maintenance status, as we've reached the point when we're content with what this library offers. We still provide full support and QoL patches, so that it can be used at any time, improved over time and keep being fresh and aligned to what we think is a good status of the project. Time will tell where we end up.
I'd like to thank Handmade Network community, the staff members and librg users for any support provided. We're glad to be part of this community. I can say for sure it has changed how we approach programming today, it has changed us to think more about what the software really needs, why and when to sacrifice comfort for efficiency, it brought us to point where we discuss `why`s over following idioms blindly.
You can check out librg by following this link.